Chimpanzee Tracking in Kibale

Destination; Before you travel to Africa for a trekking experience of the endangered species of Gorillas, you should make a lot of research on which destination you want to go to have a very rich encounter with these primates. If you are a vivid photographer who wants to keep exceptional memories through photos, we suggest you visit the mist Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national Park in Uganda and Volcanoes National park in Rwanda for clear shots of them in their habitat.

Climatic Condition; If you are planning to travel for Rwanda Gorilla trekking visit any of the three countries (Uganda, Rwanda and DR Congo) during the dry season in the months of June, July, August, September and part of October since during this time it is easy to take clear shots ant trail within the thick forests. During the months of March to May the rains are very heavy and from October to mid December they are lighter and one should not visit due to the fact that the paths are very slippery and the bushes are out grown hence low visibility.

Tracking Package/ Kit; When preparing your Gorilla tracking kit carry with you a rain jacket for it might rain suddenly due to the location of these countries close to the equator, denim shirts/ long sleeved shirts, long pants/ trousers that are not jeans/ with hard material, light weight boots, warm socks, gardening gloves, cap/hat, camera with no flash, sweater for colder evenings, water plastic bag to keep the camera safe. These will enable you track the primates with ease through the thick forest vegetation from one place to another.

Security; Before traveling to Africa for Gorilla Trekking, one must do a research background on the security of the three countries so as to enjoy their holiday Gorilla adventure vacation. However, Uganda and Rwanda are very secure except the Democratic Republic of Congo that is full of unrest since conflict can happen at any time. Although, security measures have been implemented in all countries where by guards/ rangers have to follow you everywhere you go to safe guard you from any danger and are ever equipped with guns.

Accommodation; If you are preparing to travel for Gorilla trekking, book and reserve accommodation where you will stay and this should fit into your specific budget due to the fact that there is appropriate accommodation that suits every kind of traveler worldwide. Whether luxury, budget, midrange, camping, deluxe etc there is one where you belong so as to enjoy your adventure in the wild. Before booking any of these, do a background search to find out the details as according to location i.e is it near the park/ entrance, along the shores, with in the wild thick forest, main road, etc, rates, facilities, features, the food and extras depending on what you are really looking for.

Tracking Permits; When planning for the adventure ensure you booked a valid tracking permit to enable you track these primates for without one you won’t be allowed to do so. In Uganda, these can be attained through the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) an authorized organization that controls and manages all wildlife encounters in Uganda and these cost US $600 per person. In Rwanda, these can be obtained through the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) which also operates wildlife ventures in Rwanda and the permits cost US $750 per person. In the Democratic Republic of Congo these are attained through the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN) also known as the Congolese wildlife authority the cost of the permit is US $450 and that of the visa is USD $105. However, these can also be obtained with the help of authorized tour operator agencies in these countries which will make your entire booking very flexible and fast.


Chimpanzees in Africa are one of the two species of the genus Pan unlike the other referred to as the Bonobo. These are among the restricted African species of the great ape in existence and are found in the thick vegetation forests along the tropics. The Chimpanzees are aggressive, very strong and male dorminated and live in groups with the male as the leader (Alpha Male) followed by a female then the young ones. They stay within social bonds with differences between the males and females and have black/ brown hair. They usually feed on fruits, bark, vegetation, insects, honey and small monkeys like the monkeys and can stay up to 30 years. They build their nests using refined tools from branches and foliage for sleeping in after night fall.

Chimpanzee threats

There are various threats towards these primates which have caused continuous declines in their populations and these include;

  • Increased human populations that have led to increased encroachment on forests for settlement hence habitat loss for the primates.
  • Poaching for bush meat and export trade
  • Climatic Changes that have also affected their habitat

Golden Monkey

The Golden Monkey is known to be a species of the prominent blue monkey and has brightly colored golden hair along its body and are fond of playing and jumping with in trees from one to another. These inhabit highland forests especially those near bamboo and are always in groups of up to 30 individuals. They basically feed on young bamboo leaves, fruits, bamboo branchlets, bamboo shoots, invertebrates, flowers, and shrubs as well as insects and can be found in Mgahinga National park Uganda, Volcanoes National Park Rwanda and Virunga National park Congo. They usually relocate in between areas according to the season for example, if there is a lot of ripe fruit and bamboo in an area, they will stay and when there is less or no bamboo they will relocate. They often sleep/ rest in small subgroups of four at the top of the dense bamboo plants that intertwine together to make a very comfortable platform for resting and sleeping after night fall.

Black and White Colobus Monkeys

Black-and-white Colobus Monkeys are a subspecies of the monkeys of the genus Colobus and are related to the brown Colobus monkeys of genus Piliocolobus. These are herbivores that feed on leaves, fruit, twigs and flowers and inhabit more density logged initial and minor forests, riverine forests, and wooded grasslands. They basically feed on leaves and stay in remote areas that cannot be accessed by other primates. The Colobus stay defensive groups of approximately nine individuals with one dominant male having many females with their young ones which tend to be white after birth. All individuals take responsibility for the young ones. They are victims for many forest predators and are very relevant figures for seed dispersal through their casual eating habits and digestive systems.


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